Once again, it's "revenge" time for Union County Commissioners.
In case you missed it, in a 3-2 vote last night, a motion made by Commissioner Kuehler, passed and stated that the county attorney go hire (with your tax money) an "independent counsel" to investigate possible ethics violations against former commissioner Pressley and current commissioners Baucom and Mills.
First it was a long-term package deal to keep unethical Mike Shalati in power as county manager, done just days before Sexton, Stone and Lane lost power now we have another investigation? How much did this cost?
Let's get the facts straight. Irene Broaddus was a member of the non-policy making Public Works ADVISORY Panel, note the word ADVISORY, that created this firestorm. Ms. Broaddus wrote in emails to a development company that she would be willing to lobby and help get their project approved for a fee of several thousand dollars.
Who is Irene Broaddus? A long-time political activist who was friends with Parker Mills and is friends with Lanny Openshaw. Actually Mr. Openshaw credits Ms. Broaddus for encouraging him to get into politics. So what about the FBI? Well, when the newspaper prints emails that quite clearly show a possible "pay to play" scheme then there's a high probability you're going to get investigated. The SBI for a fact investigated, having interviewed several in this county. According to public, on the record comments, by Commissioner Baucom, he was never even interviewed.
So, commissioners hired outside counsel for an investigation that really was just that, an investigation. Bottom line, there wasn't anything illegal because there were no charges. Now if this was an investigation on something self-serving as defined by our own county ordinances then this would be different. The fact of the matter it wasn't and never was. The only person who committed any wrongdoing was Ms. Broaddus herself. It was unethical but not illegal mind you but had those emails not been printed, who knows what would've happened.
So let's wrap up this discussion in a nutshell. The county commissioners, who are always looking to "cut the budget," have now instructed the county attorney to PAY (how much is not determined but could be tens of thousands) for an outside attorney to conduct an ethics investigation on an investigation that was only an investigation.
This is like the current Obama Administration investigating the CIA. When is enough, enough?
And by the way, we are now spending money when we don't have a firm water allocation policy in place. This means no commercial construction (to offset high tax rate) and no residential (subdivisons aren't finished meaning lower property values and higher HOA dues) and we cannot water our own lawns.
Perhaps the real "pay to play" should be explored and all Union County citizens should ask Commissioner Kuehler why her OWN FATHER applied to be director of Union County Public Works after she was elected as commissioner. Friends, that's fact not fiction.
What say you?
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
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Commissioner Kuehlers' own father applied for the DPW position? Oh my goodness!!!
ReplyDeleteI doubt that is enough for a taxpayor financed probe, but I think the voters sure would like to know!
Applying for the job is bold, but I doubt it would rise to the level of an ethics investigation. If he was considered and she pushed for his hire, then sure.
ReplyDeleteI would question the uy who actually got the job. How is he tied to Kuehler? Rumor has it that he is connected either by family or close friend.
How about we launch an investigation as to why White Oaks isn't getting a permit for water. Does it have anything to do with former County Commission candidate Jonathon Thomas working for the same compnay that is requesting the permit? Is it really far fetched to imagine that vindictive Tracy Kuehler and Kim Rogers would go after Thomas????
ReplyDeleteThis bunch has turned the county commissioner position into a laughing joke. Any honor of serving has been wiped away and replaced with a connotation of a filthy and disgraceful position.
ReplyDeleteThe issue this creates a delimma of trying to find distinguished citizens with the knowledge to run for the position. The qualifications are at its minimum as long as you can follow Dibiasios directions as this bunch!
This is the worst I have seen!
After watching the meeting, I wander who wrote Kuehler's script....she obviously does not have a clue what is going on and to have to stick with a script makes me very suspicious!
ReplyDeleteThe script writer would be the boss as identified in the previous post. He is running everything...and apparently is too ignorant to know that he is destroying his buddies political careers along the way. The lust for revenge is so strong that they cut their own heads off in an attempt to destroy others. Sad state of affairs.
ReplyDeleteWell if that is the case, I have to admit, he has no life. In watching the meeting the other night, one of the commissioners said it was nearly 12 o'clock and he and that guy, Anthony Burman, was still there.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry, those guys need to get a life. Someone told me that Burman kid was at UNCC. When I was in school, the last thing I wanted to do is to hang around local government officials and watch a county commissioner meeting.
Dibiasio and Burman have many issues and you are right in the prevous post, his revenge is going to kill Kuehler and Rogers. Openshaw is already toast!!
(Editors note: Reference removed...please refrain from using any references to someones sexuality as that is not germane to the discussion. Thanks!)
I for one would like to defend Mr. Burman. As a college student myself, I feel very confident and reassured in Burman's interest in his local politics. When I go to school and see the boozing, self-obsessed students that attend my classes, it is refreshing to know that at least one young person is involved in his community and willing to defend what he feels is right.
ReplyDeleteThis issue with the last post is what Mr. Burman feels is very wrong. He claims to be an assistant officer in the Republican club, but wants to restrict free enterprise associated with any grown. He feels goverment should be large enough to control growth.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, Mr. Burman must be weak in character. I do not know the guy, but he says on his website he does not want to take special interest money because he does not want to owe any favors. Who said you owed anyone anything except doing what you feel was right?? He obviously cannot stand up to anyone who gives him large amounts of money and/or he disagrees with. Good for you Mr. Burman for recognizing your weaknesses.
By the way, I am sick of hearing about special interests!!! If you don't do what right for your municipality, regardless of who contributes to your campaign, then shame on you!
Mr. Burman, is wrong for running because he is wrong on issues. We in Marvin do not need what we have at the county level running our village!
Amen Mr. Babinski!!!
ReplyDeleteGreat post and I am glad other likeminded tax paying citizens like me are very pissed at this way our county is being managed!
Kim Rogers said the other night, "We are just chasing our tails." I agree Kim! She also said, "We have not leadership here!" I agree Kim. That is why you, Kim, and Larry will not be reelected and I am telling you, I have never given a damn until now!
Not to change the subject, but I just put a post on the VSO in response to Jeff Gerber's post. I hope everyone will support his efforts and we can get the chance to vote him in our our next NC House Representative!
ReplyDeleteYes we need......GERBER FOR NC HOUSE!!!
Yea, that whole side over there is crooked! No one could be worse than Irene Broaddas and Roger Lane. Is Burman as bad? Please tell me is not as bad as those two clowns!!!
ReplyDeleteMr. Ross, I think he may be worse in several ways. First he is young and impressionable. I have never thought of it quite like Mr. Babinski stated, but I think he may have a point. He is influenced by the Kuehler treasurer and may not have the backbone to take a strong stand for what is right. If he has inspiration for bigger offices, he will have to follow the same lead as Kuehler and Rogers...God Help Us!!!
ReplyDeleteI watched the most recent commissioners meeting today and Rogers attached a citizen that never has been to a meeting in her closing remarks.
If the housewives can't take the heat, then get out of the kitchen!
I am afraid Burman is just more of the same.
I know Burman well and I can tell you he talks of his fondness of Mr. Dibiasio who is driving this political agenda!
ReplyDeleteMore of the same is very, very true....perhaps worst!