Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Countdown...and the scary future it may hold for Union.

While many are finding themselves preparing for the upcoming municipal elections here in Sweet Union, some cannot help but look forward to a big date that is just six months away.

Starting February 8, 2010 and lasting until February 26....candidates will have the opportunity to file for office for US Senate, US House, NC Senate, NC House, County Commissioner, Sheriff, District Attorney and Clerk of Court.

While America will have a chance to limit the power of a socialist President by electing a new Congress, and North Carolinians will have the chance to take the state back from the most free spending liberal majority in the history of the NC General Assembly...Union County will have the chance to end the already embarrassing reign of Kuehler, Rogers, and Openshaw.

Giving Openshaw some cover for the next election, the liberal majority held the line on taxes this year without a doubt postponing their plans to sock it to us until the next budget, AFTER the Republican primary. Couple that with their planned cash infusion from the sale of CMC-Union, the liberals are preparing to take Union County to new places we have never seen before.

Kuehler has not been successful in hiding her desire to take over the fire departments, Rogers appears comfortable giving the schools anything they ask for, and Openshaw often appears as if he is just there to do whatever Kuehler, Rogers and the "boss"* directs, giving little thought to anything.

Ponder the harm that can come from a far left majority with lots of cash and a non-election budget year looming. Oh, and lets not forget...a willing local media to carry the water for whatever scheme they can concoct.

Let us know what you think. Where will the gang of three take us in the next year? Even worse, where do we go if we cannot eliminate their majority in 2010?

*The boss is the one who controls the Commission majority.


  1. I knew it was bad but never put it all together as you have here. We are in peril times and I hope voters will take note!

  2. Enough is Enough! We can't take anymore

  3. As a resident of Marvin and a supporter of the former S.O.S., I must say what I voted for it not what I have gotten. I would be very interested in learning who this "boss" is though because I heard my neighbor, Mr. Openshaw, tell folks one thing and then vote another way. Do you think the "boss" has that much in fluence?

    I always thought Lanny would stick with his values, but I guess we all have a breaking point. The only problem with that is we are stuck with results that have been mentioned here.

    I am just frustrated with the entire Union County politics. Never been this way but what I have seen since December has really done me in!

  4. I've heard that the guy who does that anti-Union County Village Scribble blog is the one who tells them what to do. He seems to be wherever they are (to the point that it is kind of freaky)and no doubt he was the one telling Stone/Sexton/Lane what to do...even got caught having "questionable" meetings with them...of course they never talked about county business...wink, wink!

    Whoever is calling the shots, be it one of the three or the "boss"...they are clearly on a path to destroy Union County. They must be stopped.

    As to the question...where will they take us? I am afraid to even contemplate.

  5. I am just devistated. I can't believe our commissioners would listen to someone like this, but you know there is alot of similarities between this majority and like the last post stated, Stone/Sexton/Lane.

    I agree with you. I am surprise the EJ did not do a story on the meetings noted in the Shalati depositions of the commissioners meeting prior to the Monday evening meetings. Is this not a violation of the Open Meeting Law? If so, I bet this majority does it as well.

  6. Let's not forgot how this bunch has totally screwed up the county's water allocation policy. As a result, it has choked off commercial growth that would create jobs in a county of double digit unemployeement and provide an infusion of cash in property taxes so help our tax base remain low.

    That is the most damaging aspect of the three amigos.

  7. Jason, you are right. I really have never thought of some of this stuff until reading these posts.

    We need to voice our concerns to the commissioners. Any suggestions of the most effective ways?

  8. Well, did we not all know that Kuehler would try to grind her ax with the fire departments! She needs anger management counselling! I heard her that night she cursed another commissioner.

  9. Betty, they aren't inclined to listen to us commoners. They do not appear to be willing to do anything unless it's in their own best interest or it is a part of their grand plan. I have to tell you...the best way to speak to them is to vote them out of office!

  10. Calling Mark DiBiasio the boss is too generous! He is simply "The Village Idot" that is too liberal to understand conservative principles. In fact, he is the one that is wrecklessly ruining Union County by puppeting Openshaw, Kuehler and Rogers. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out. He is the only member of the public that does into the closed area behind where the commissioners recess....why? To give direction!

    Tracy Kuehler is clueless. You can tell by the way she talks and acts. In fact, I think he is texting her directions so she will know where to stand on issues that "pop" up.

    Let's disucss him and his influence and by the way, SHAME ON YOU KUEHLER, OPENSHAW, AND ROGERS for allowing this idiot any space in your decisino making process. Oh I am sorry, Tracy, you have to listen to your campaign treasurer, huh?!
